Saturday, January 30, 2016


Thanks for joining us - maybe you happened across this page or maybe you found us through Habitica.  Either way, we are happy you are here and taking 2016 by the horns - well, what's left of it!


It's time to Get OUT there!

What are those things you have always wanted to do, but haven't? What's holding you back?

Be a Tourist in your own city or state - get out there and DO!

Take that class! Learn how to do that thing that you have always wanted to do!

Call your sister EVERY WEEK!
Partake in a Challenge!

We all know what Nike says... so... Do It already!

Share your progress!  Use the hashtag


so everyone else can see what you are doing!

Add your deets to the list!  If you don't have a website, use your Instagram, Tumblr, FB page, ETC 
where you will be posting your progress.

*PS - this is NOT an excuse to do things illegal, harmful to others, or just BAD.